The children have now started to create their own themes in the garden - this one they wanted to be connected to Remembrance Day

All across school we have been cutting the bottoms from plastic bottles and creating our own poppies. We have then produced a Remembrance Garden where children, teachers, parents and carers as they pass can take a minute to stop, reflect, pray and of course remember. 

Juniors took part too...

Early years enjoyed planting their poppies and then took time to pause...


Thanks to the school council for a wonderful assembly and how we can help our community this Christmas as we will once again collect for the 'Shoebox Fairies' for local Wigan families. 

Wow - What fantastic art work from all the children showing their passion for climate change. 


We have thought hard about Harvest this year and wanted to create hampers for 'The Brick' and support our local community in Wigan and food banks.

Thank you for all your support and to the drivers who volunteered to collect them! 



Our next steps are to get the children planting and creating in our new 'Peace and Prayer Garden'






We are so excited to watch our new Peace and Prayer garden begin to take shape! 









It was great to have Deacon Roy in school today and attending a wedding connected with our Come and See topic in Year 5! 

A celebration of baptism in the infants to reflect on their new learning.




Great assembly this morning with Mrs Melling and Mrs Atkinson 

'Justice for climate change' 

The children will be creating an 'Art gallery' in school to showcase all their hard work! 






Please remember to come into the school entrance or email school for any uniform you need, we also have coats and jackets for both boys and girls. 

Thank you Deacon Roy for coming into school and sharing with our children in Nursery. 




Thank you so much for accessing the 'Just Giving Page' and for all your donations. 


Preparation for our Lenten Service 

Faith in Action Group

Thank you to the CAFOD club for your fundraising 


Reflective time in the infants - preparing for Christmas

Early Years Stars!

Advent Travelling Nativity


Thank you for all your kind donations - Shoe Box Fairies Appeal for Wigan families

Great work for Wigan and Leigh Hospice



Our school community have come together to create our own Christmas Tree

Thank you to all who took part from parents, carers, visitors, staff and governors! 



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