Why not visit our local library to use the laptops and borrow books, CD’s and DVD’s for free?

Here is a website which you can join for FREE to read books online:

Helping your child with reading

Reading is vital for your child’s development, whatever their age. Research shows that reading is the most important thing you can do to help your child’s education. It is most beneficial to read little and often, so try to put aside 15 minutes a day to show your child that you value and appreciate reading. It’s surprising how enthused children become when they see older siblings, parents and grandparents take pleasure in reading and engage in conversation about the contents of their books and any new vocabulary. Remember, books aren’t just about reading the words on the page, they can also prompt exciting discussions, word games and liven your child’s (and your) imagination!
Tips for helping you child to enjoy reading:

  • Encourage your child to pretend to ‘read’ a book before he or she can read words.
  • Visit the library as often as possible
  • Schedule a regular time and place for reading-make it creative, perhaps read when you get home from school or just before bed.
  • Look for books on topics that you know your child is interested in-maybe insects, dinosaurs, cookery, motor racing.
  • Make sure that children’s books are easily accessible in different rooms around you house.
  • Read for pleasure in front of your children-you never know, they might copy!

Ideas for you to check your child understands the text (this is the whole purpose of reading!)

Understanding, connecting, engaging and responding to texts

Being able to read the words, does not necessarily mean that your child understands what they have read.  S/he might sound like a fluent reader which can make you believe that they are a ‘good’ reader.

The only way to judge how much your child understands is to talk to them about the book and ask questions that make him/her think.

  • What does this word mean?
  • Can you think of another word that means the same as this one?
  • Can you describe what is happening in the picture?
  • What is this punctuation used for?
  • Can you think of another way to start this sentence?
  • What do you think might happen next?
  • What will he/she do now?
  • Why do you think he/she did that?
  • How would you feel if this happened to you?
  • What would you do if it was you?
  • Did you enjoy the story? Why?
  • Which part did you like best? Why?
  • Why is this a good title for the story?
  • Can you think of another title for the story?

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