At St Wilfrid’s we aim to provide children with a broad and balanced English curriculum which integrates speaking and listening, reading and writing skills. 

To enable us to do this we use the award-winning Literary Curriculum. What is the Literary Curriculum? It is a complete, book-based approach designed to help teachers access high quality resources and network through training. The Teach Through a Text approach was created so that there is a consistent, cohesive pedagogy used across a school.

Children become critical readers and acquire an authorial style as they encounter a wide-range of significant authors and a variety of fiction, non-fiction and poetry.

Book-based planning sequences allow teachers to use a wide range of high quality and significant children's literature to engage, challenge and support children to be critical readers and confident and informed writers. All National Curriculum requirements of grammar, spelling, vocabulary, literary language and composition are embedded leading towards a variety of purposeful and exciting shorter, longer and extended writing outcomes where the audience and purpose is clear.

Literary Leaves are book-based comprehension for the teaching of reading, using whole books, rather than extracts. They are used in whole-class or guided reading sessions.

Each Literary Leaf focuses on skills from the Programme of Study, so that children have the opportunity to secure them deeply. In many cases the same question stem is repeated to ensure teachers can model how to answer questions, before the children  apply it themselves.

Spelling Seeds complement the Literary Curriculum by providing weekly, contextualised sequences of sessions for the teaching of spelling that include open-ended investigations and opportunities to practise and apply within meaningful and purposeful contexts, linked (where relevant) to other areas of the curriculum. The objectives and spelling words match the Literary Curriculum text being covered to make for purposeful application as well as including coverage from the phonics and spelling elements, where appropriate. 


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