Dear Parents and Carers,

St Wilfrid's "continues to be a good school," says Ofsted.

We  have just received the formal outcome of our recent inspection.  I am  delighted to say that we are assessed as a 'good school' and we have  robust plans to continue to develop.
The report, which you can  read in this letter, describes the school in a way that all governors  clearly recognise.  A place that is welcoming and supportive, where the  children feel safe and happy.  The inspector said she understands the  importance we place on wellbeing. Importantly our safeguarding role is  recognised and we have high expectations of everyone.

This  inspection was an important milestone for us. Credit goes to the  teachers, TAs, all school staff and especially to Mrs O'Brien and senior  leaders, especially coming so early in the term just as we were getting  started and settled back after summer and the disruption of COVID.  I  am hugely grateful to Mrs O'Brien and her team, who care passionately  about supporting your child to learn and flourish.  

The report  is also credit to you and the children for speaking positively about St  Wilfrid's. Can I thank you all on behalf of the governing body. The work  continues. We will continue to listen and progress as a school, living  the gospel as our school mission statement says. I'm tremendously  pleased to see our school recognised in this way and together, we'll  continue to grow in the spirit of love and respect.

Thank you and stay safe.

Mr John Rowbotham
Chair of Governors
